‘A place to stand’ - our place in the world where we feel connected, empowered our home. This work was created and won first prize for the Rodney Arts award theme of ‘land, sea and air.’
The ring incorporates all the required elements of land, sea and air, it is a meeting place of all three things. The jandals are left on the land just as shoes are removed outside a temple, meeting house or marae.
This symbolises that you are entering a holy or spiritual place. For many people spending time outdoors on a Sunday, on the water, fishing etc. is how they feel close to nature/God.





Opportunity Knocks

Opportunity Knocks

Opportunity Knocks

Opportunity Knocks
This ring symbolises how I felt back in 2004 in regards to my jewellery apprenticeship and career.
The chair representing myself is placed at the top of the stairs chained to the hand rail. The very thing that helped me get to where I am is now stopping me going any further.
I should be happy having made it to the top with a seat and a view out the window…but the golden door behind the chair (symbolising the golden opportunity) is slightly open… Am I content to sit and look out the window or do I leave my security, open the door and take a leap of faith?
This work is about my ongoing struggle/pull between town and country. Juggling working in the busy city with a simple home life in the country.
The two contrasting sides turn on top of the ring representing the spin I sometimes feel living two very different lives.





Dream On

Dream On

Dream On

Dream On
This piece was made in response to another local Rodney Art Award exhibition in 2018 titled “Dream on”. It is about a particular well known intersection in Warkworth that people have to take their lives into their hands when negotiating through it.
It has been discussed and designed many times but to no avail. This is my solution to the problem incorporating some icons from the local cement works, my “Arc de Triomphe”.
It is designed as a watch which plays on the idea of ‘taking its time’ and ‘watch this space’.